

Friday, June 12, 2009

so big so fast

Well just in the past few weeks both Eli and his cousin Carolyn are growing so fast. Carolyn is now walking. She is 5 weeks younger than Elijah.

I know Eli is not far behind her...he is trying so hard.

The other day Elijah was playing with some seems the only toys he wants now are BOY toys. He loves trucks and blocks. I try to give him his other baby toys but he is not so interested. It's funny too, when he is playing with the cars and trucks he seems to understand that they make a "vroom" sound...for him it's more like a spitting brrmmm. It is really neat to watch him develop so much and do so many neat things.

I still have yet to learn the whole video uploading but Eli also sings along with his teddy bear. I will need to get that posted, it is too cute!

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