

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Living Room Intimacy"

...At least that is what it is referred to in the book I am reading.

Luke 10:38-42

I am studying the hearts of both Mary and Martha right now and what it means to have a Mary heart in a Martha world. So often I have the intentions to sit down and have intimacy with Jesus and then I will think of the things I did not do or need to do only to jump up and do them at that moment because they just HAD to be done! A lot of times we are opening our homes but not our heart only to find that we are missing the opportunity to know Jesus. I feel I more often fall on the side of, do, do...there is so much to do!

From the book; 'Having a Mary Heart in A Martha World'
by Joanna Weaver

"We get caught up in the same performance trap, feeling as though we must prove our love for God by doing great things for him. So we rush past the intimacy of the Living Room to get busy for him in the Kitchen-implementing great ministries and wonderful projects, all in an effort to spread the good news. We do all our works in his name. We call him "Lord, Lord." But in the end, will he know us? Will we know him?"

" The world clamors, "Do more! Be all that you can be!" But our Father whispers, "Be still and know that I am God."

Why is it we find it so hard to put God first in our day? We get so busy with the things we NEED to do but in reality the NEED is God. Joanna gives such a great analogy in this book that I think will make sense to so many of us...

"When we put work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The cart is important; so is the horse. But the horse must come first, or we end up pulling the cart ourselves. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under the pressure of service, for there is always something that needs to be done.
When we first spend time in his presence-when we take time to hear his voice-God provides the horsepower we need to pull the heaviest load. He saddles up Grace and invites us to take a ride."

Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."`

"Jesus invites us to come and rest, to spend time with him in this incredible Living Room Intimacy. Intimacy that allows us to be honest in our complaints, bold in our approach, and lavish in our love. Intimacy that allows us to hear our Father's voice and discern our Father's will. Intimacy that so fills us with his love and his nature that it spills out to our dry, thirsty world in Kitchen Service. In the Living Room. That's where it all begins. Down at His feet."

Today I will sit at the feet of our Savior prepared for intimacy. Opening my heart to truly know Him. I know that in my days are not in order until I have met with my Father. Let's all put the 'horse before the cart' today and allow Jesus to guide us.

...Chapter 2 tomorrow

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