

Friday, November 26, 2010

Fall has come and gone, 4 weeks till Christmas

I can not believe fall has come and gone and now we are 4 weeks away from Christmas. I have not even started Christmas shopping yet. I am still working on projects around the house and yet to have all my pictures ready for before and afters but promise to get there. With that, we are still waiting patiently for little Evangeline to get here. We are hoping any time now in the next week but of course not wanting to rush God's timing. After our last appointment she was nice and snug and it didn't look like she was coming anytime least not until her due date or maybe even later.

This fall has been great. The weather has been so nice, especially when you are pregnant, and Elijah has loved playing outside. Here are a few pictures of Elijah over the past two months.

We took him to the airshow in October over at Dobbins. He really liked it. I thought it would be too loud for him but he was having so much fun. I did take him home before the Blue Angels because he needed a nap so I guess he missed the loudest parts. He is just like his daddy when it comes to planes.
And then I got some fun pictures of him playing in leaves. He thought it was so fun to make the piles then run and jump. I remember those days...oh to be young and carefree again with no worries in the world.

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