

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Welcome to Slovakia Lee Ann!

YEAH!!!!! I finally made it to Slovakia.

Prešov is beautiful! After 20 hours of flying I arrived...WITHOUT my luggage!!!
"Welcome to Slovakia, Lee Ann"

Oh, well - when I first got to the airport my flights got switched around then they cancelled my first flight out of Atlanta...humm, I should have known from then I was going to have some, well I got here and my luggage did not, so right now I am in the same clothes I put on Friday morning and my new roomie, Amy, had lent me some clothes as well. I went to the local TESCO, kind of like our Wal Mart, and bought some neccesities. Hopefully my luggage will get here soon. My first two days here have been quite an experience but also a good transition.

My apartment is great! Very comfortable. Although as many of you know, I am directionally challenged, so it has been fun trying to find my way around. Life here is VERY different. I have been doing a lot of walking and taking the has been a fun experience so far.
God has totally prepared my heart for this as well as my surroundings...I feel very comfortable here and have an extreme peace about it!
It is really humbling to watch God work in other countries - after getting here Mike and Amy showed me around Presov. What a beautiful city. Then they took me to this grave site (sounds weird, I know) but if you lived here you would understand why...and this old lady approached us and asked for help to her husbands grave. So we helped her b/c she had a cane for each arm and a bouquet of flowers. When we got to his grave we shared stories (in Slovak, of course - and I did not understand any of it) and helped her clean off the grave and make it look nice. WOW! God is so cool! What an interesting lady filled with so much histroy. Then Sunday I went to church this morning in a small village called Kukova and met all the students I will be working with. What a beautiful village. It was funny, one of the kids asked me if I had ever seen a cow or a pig?? I laughed and said of course, they are just not in my back yard (their's are)...I think they had this image of me coming from the BIG city and not knowing anything about the country. It was cute. ** Kind of like Crocidile Dundee in Manhattan but reversed... :)
It is really cool to see God moving in other countries. I know he is EVERYWHERE but to be here and watch these people have a passion for and worship the same God we do is so humbling. I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this place!

Sorry for not blogging in a while but things were hectic...I am hoping to stay on top of this as much as possible and am working on my webpage this week. I just got the program running so I will post it on here when I am done.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Zilina, 3 hours trian ride, to go to a JV (Josiah Venture) intern training. I will be there for a week!

Will update soon -

Love you all!

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