

Thursday, October 05, 2006

If you are not careful time will pass you by...

It's been a month since I have been back in the states and I am not sure where it went. So much has happened since I have been here. I still think about my home in Slovakia everyday and really miss my family there. There is a lot to be said about trusting the season of life God has you in...I know I am back for a reason, besides the obvious of getting married, and trust God in this season of my life.
Since I have been home these are some of the things that have been happening:

1- planning a wedding...this has been fun and I have tried not to stress out.
2- raising support for 2 Slovak college students to come to Passion 07 (details to follow)...what a blessing this has been. This is a great opportunity to challenge them in their walk & relationship with the Lord, & equip them to reach their friends for Christ in Slovakia.
3- moving into a flat (apartment) this week...finally a place of my own here that I an start to unwind in, I am STILL living out of boxes. I am getting quite used to that.
4- attending my grandfather's funeral...he was a WW11, Vietnam and Koren War hero and it was an honor to spend his last weeks with him...I was able to be at his bedside 3 times a week so my grandmother could get out of the house.
5- getiing back involved at my has been nice to attend a church that I understand the ENTIRE service and not just bits and pieces. I have a wonderful church family and have enjoyed spending time with them.
6- healing my you know it broke, badly, last year (can you belive it is almost a year since that happened? I can not!), and have been starting to run again, but only a little bit and found out yesterday that is a BIG NO and that I may not ever be able to run again, at least not as a sport for exercise....ugh! talk about frustrating.

I am trusting my season of life with the Lord here in the states right now and am excited to see what His plans are next.

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