

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Mama didn't raise no fool...

So Amy and I decided we wanted an all American dinner tonight...a bag of popcorn. Okay, well it seemed American to us.

So I popped a bag, and well it only gave me 10 popped kernels??? Not really sure what I did (my cooking skills are not quite up there with Emeril yet), so Amy said our microwave is not super strong and to keep it in there longer, I was afraid to burn it but did not want to waste the kernels either (that must be the Slovak coming out in me...I even eat the cores of apples now...seriously!) and was wondering how I could re-pop them with out them burning.

I remember when I was little and if we wanted popcorn, Mom would pour some cooking oil in a pot add some kernels and we had popcorn (yes, this was before microwave popcorn and no I am not old)...I think we all know where this is going?!
So...I decided to try it with the left over kernels in the bag just to see what would happen. I put the pot on the stove, poured in the kernels and a little oil....all of the sudden, kernels were popping worked!!!!!! I was so excited!!!

The moral of this story is...if you ever have left over kernels just put them on the stove top with a little oil and you will have popcorn. Why waste a perfectly healthy dinner?

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