

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

so much to be thankful for....

Yes I know it has been a while since I posted on my blog and website for that matter. I still do not have my computer in my hot little hands but wanted to update you with what is going on as much as I could. With in the next week there should be LOTS of new pictures and updates on my website. HORRAY!!!

First and foremost I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and found much to be thankful for. I was not sure how the holiday was going to be for me as this was my first Thanksgiving away from home and family. I have been adjusting in my new enviroment and adapting quite well. As Novemeber has come and gone there is so much to share...
-the second week of November we got our first snow in Slovakia. It was beautiful (pictures will be posted soon) and colder than I am used to. It amazes me how those of us from Georgia get very little snow and we rush to the stores and stock up on bread and milk as if we had some kind of blizzard and city shutdown...not us in Slovakia...we had TONS of snow and kept on moving. People still continue to walk where they need to go and go about their everyday life. One morning it was so cold Amy, my roommate, and I looked at each other and said "it's a perfect day to stay inside and watch a movie and drink coffee" ...Slovaks would laugh at us for that but that particular day we carried out the southern tradition and stayed inside. :)
-the second week in November my birthday rolled around...I was planning on staying in and well, not doing a whole lot. I turned the BIG 26. To my surprise all the students in the village had a surprise part for me. It was unbelievable. My first suprise party ever!! (pictuers coming soon) They all made me feel so special and loved. It was honestly a party that came straight from their hearts. I would have to say it was the BEST birthday party I am THANKFUL for and will never forget.
-then came Thanksgiving...I have been praying for God to really help me through the holidays knowing it was going to be difficult being away from my family. Every Thanksgiving all the Americans within the Josiah Venture organizaion and from all the different countries get together in Malenovice, our training center in Czech Republic, and celebrate Thanksgiving together. It is a great time with lots of games, FOOD, devotions, FOOD, FOOD...okay so we know what Thanksgiving is about. haha Thanksgiving morning we all decided to go outside in the SNOW...yes snow up to our knees might I add, and play a game of AMERICAN football. After making my fair share of snow angels and playing with the kids I decided to join in this game. It was so much fun until............. I fell and broke my ankle. Yes folks, I broke my ankle and spent the entire Thanksgiving day in the hospital. I missed all the FOOD and was told that I needed an operation. I was supposed to have an operation there in Czech but after many phone calls from my family I decided to come home and recover in the states. (more pictures of Thanksgiving will be on the website soon) I am very thankful for the Josiah Venture team/family that I am apart of. Everyone was so wonderful in helping me get through the holidays despite my accident. I was in good hands and without a doubt watched the light of God shine through each person that week. WOW!!! What a blessing!

I am thankful that I decided to come home. At first I was adimit about staying overseas but after coming home and seeing my doctor here in the states he found 4 breaks in my leg from the knee down where the Czech hospital only found 2 in the ankle. My family has been taking great care of me and helping me to a quick recovery. As of right now we are not sure how long I will be here in the states but the doctor said that I can not leave until he releases me...which could be as late as Feb.

God continues to teach me through scripture...and one verse stands out through all of this...
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21

I know God has a reason for all of this and it is no surprise to him that any of this happened. I am trusting him in the decision to send me home and in my recovery.

More to come....

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