

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

surgery complete

I have been in Atlanta for a week now and still trying to soak in all that has changed around here. It is amazing how much can change in so little time...

Yesterday my surgery was complete. PRAISE GOD I only needed one screw in my ankle and not three. My pain level is low right now but about mid-afternoon it starts to flare up a little bit. I am told to elevate my foot, which I am doing, but it is difficult for me to sit still. My mind keeps racing with things I want/need to get done. Please pray that God will help me to REST and recover well.

I am hoping to be in touch with most of you while I am home, if not by email maybe a phone call but to at least make a small connection at some point. I wish I could drive around and visit you all but it is my right leg/ankle that broke and therefore I can not drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be Still and know that I am God. It's hard being still.