

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Can you trust your pilot?

Last week I got the opportunity to go flying in a small plane. It was really cool. Bryan, a guy from my church, flies planes and offered to take me. humm?? Small plane, young pilot, me with broken leg....lots to questions. But I trusted him. Not sure why because we had only really got to know each other since I have been home but he had confidence in what he was doing and I had no reason not to trust him.

This brings me to a thought I had made me think of my relationship with our Lord Jesus. I know since I have been back in the states I have questioned Him a lot with why I am back in the states and why for so long and what is His on and so on. I keep throwing out all these questions expecting an answer. Then I realized, why not just TRUST Him. God is my pilot and He knows what He is doing. This is no surprise to Him why I am here. He created us...we are so intricate and detailed that He knows EVERYTHING about us...just like Bryan flying the plane, he knew all the gages and what to do and what instrument was for what in order to operate the plane...

I know looking at this panel I would not have a clue on what to do! It looks too complicate for me but that is why Bryan flew the plane and I was a passanger (playing with everything..haha).

A lot of times we question our pilot, our creator in life, when really all we should do is trust Him.
This is something that I have thought a lot about since I have been home...I am ready to get back to my students in Slovakia and my minisrty there...but I know that God has me here, in the states for a reason.

So my question to you is... CAN YOU TRUST YOUR PILOT?

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