

Friday, May 06, 2005

"I need another box and some packing tape!"

Lately I have been trying to pack and have been going through what I am leaving and what I am taking, and what I am GETTING RID OF...decisions, decisions. I did not realize I had so much stuff...I found a system that works really well when cleaning out/getting rid of personal belongings...I am "lending" my stuff out to my friends with the requirement that they "forget" to return it! :) So far it has been working really well. As you can see from this picutre, I have a lot to get rid of and sort through. AHHHHHHHHHHH what a mess!!

I think there is a floor under here...?


Anonymous said...

Hey girl,

In the picture I saw those stripped socks that you were talking about...LOL!!! Looking forward to actually getting to see you pimp those bad boys one day. By the way, did you set off a clothes bomb in your closet, OH MY GOSH!!! How do you find anything? No wonder you don't know what you have. Well, have a good one! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!


Amy Lawlor said...

uhh lee ann....that is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!! hope you have dug out of that hole :)

see you soon!!!