

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

YAY we did it!

Finally, I took Elijah to the library. I have been wanting to take him for months now. They have story time for kids twice a week where they read them a story then the kids get to do a craft of some sort...and I am all about crafting these days. :)

I decided this year I want to be more intentional about some things and this is one of the things on my list. He has always loved reading too. While we were there I got a library card so we can go weekly. When we were done he wanted to check out a book. He said "Mom, can I get Harold?" He has been reading 'Harold and the Purple Crayon' with his Nana when he stays over there.

He must really like this book. We brought it home and he was so excited.

It is good for us to get out of the house and why not do something free and educational.

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