

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Psalm 24:1-2

Have you ever just had those days that are so frustrating all you keep saying is, “I just want to go home!” ? Well, Saturday was that day for me. I got to the train station in the morning to purchase a ticket back to Presov. I know how to do this and what to say…obviously something got lost in translation b/c not only was my train late, but when I finally got on the train, somehow I was missing a ticket that I needed and I was not in the right car. I tried to explain to the conductor where I was going. Finally, I paid more money and he gave me some slip, it may be a receipt or seat assignment, I was not really sure. All I know was I have now paid more for a ticket (he probably just pocketed the money, haha) and made my way to some seat, not even sure if it was mine. I asked these men next to me, but they did not speak English so I just sat down and smiled and said “Dakujem” (Thank you in English).
Exhausted and thinking about only wanting to get back to my flat...I got out my computer and figured I would listen to some music and return some emails.
Then I found myself lost in the world outside the train windows and I could not help but stare at the world that surrounded me.
The mountains here still have snow at the tops of them, unbelievable. It

looks like a painting with these bright green grassy fields in the forefront. There might be a small village of some sort or some sheep or cows, or just a field that goes on forever and looks like it reaches the foot of the mountains. Today the sky is so blue and clear, it almost doesn’t look real.
Psalm 24:1-2 “The earth is the Lord’s, and EVERYTHING in it. The WORLD and ALL its PEOPLE belong to him. 2 For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.” I find that to be so true…I realized that my mere LITTLE problem is very much that...LITTLE! As I look at the peak of the Tatry Mountains all I can think is that I just want to be up at the top on the edge with my arms wide open shouting to the Lord just how incredible he is. We are surrounded by speechless beauty that we don’t always stop and look to appreciate what the Lord has created to such detail around us…all the way to the little yellow flowers that pop up in between the gobs of weeds, or the way the trees blow to the sound of the wind.

Take a moment today and embrace the beauty around you...sit still and breathe it in. It is worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogging2Retire??...Myth or Fact??
Blogging 2 Retire You decide....=)